StarGPS with 497 Meade Autsostar
is a system that allows a GPS ( Global Positioning Satellite ) receiver
to communicate
the exact date, time &
observing position directly to the Meade Autostar Controller. If you already
a GPS receiver you can purchase
just the StarPatch software and an adapter cable that connects the GPS
to the Autostar controller
or you can purchase a complete system. Since I already owned a Magellan
receiver all I needed was
the software (installation CD) and the adapter cable. Once installed just
up the Autostar controller
and StarGPS automatically sets the correct date , time & location.
Simple to use and very accurate!
Check out the StarGPS site for a list of scopes this will work on (click
I use
StarGPS on a mount that I built for my Celestron
C-11. With the Autostar controller I enjoy
tracking (or at least trying
to) satellites and this requires the date, time, and location to be as
accurate as
possible. StarGPS just made
life a lot easier. I've included some pictures and comments below.
My Autostar Powered C-11 with StarGPS installed
StarPatch installation CD and the GPS adapter cable
install the GPS capability to the Autostar requires a Meade
505 cable. This cable connects from
your PC serial port to the RS 232 port on the Autostar controller.
StarGPS offers the necessary cable
or you can make
your own. Once connected the installation CD will guide you through
the install procedure.
The StarGPS adapter cable attaches
From the GPS unit the cable connects
to the back of my Magellan GPS.
to the RS 232 port on the Autostar
Once the software is installed
to the Autostar simply connect the GPS receiver to the Autostar. Power
the GPS unit and give it
a couple minutes to lock onto the positioning satellites ( I power up the
GPS unit while
leveling my mount ) Turn
on power to the Autostar and you will see the "Checking for GPS" display.
From here the Autostar will
display the time, coordinates and then proceed to the Alignment display.
Once this is complete you
can disconnect the GPS receiver from the Autostar.
If you
travel with your scope then StarGPS eliminates having to enter a new location
into the Autostar each time.
And if you use your scope
without the GPS receiver connected the Autostar works just as before, Takes
you to
the Date & Time menu.
I have to say I'm a happy customer! (just wish I had come up with
the idea)
Thanks, Steve Bedair
A DS Mount
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This information is provided for personal use only.
I cannot be responsible for any joy this may bring.
Copyright 2001-2002-2003-2004
Steve Bedair