Vertical Milling
Installing the H8107 4" Riser Block
The Grizzly H8107 riser block gives you 4 additional inches of working
room. I really like
the extra room and it helps get the work up to a comfortable working
The riser block included a set of studs that were too long. I ended up
buying some
shorter studs. Other than the stud problem everything was pretty easy.
I would highly recommend the riser block.

The riser block was shipped in a wooden crate.
Included riser block, mounting arm, studs & nuts.
Note: the studs were too long, I ended up making my own.
I removed the 4 attaching nuts and lifted the head assembly off with my
portable crane.
Milling head removed. The studs that are included with the riser block
are the same length
as the studs already in place.

This shows one of the studs that were included with the riser
Way too long.... I ended up buying some shorter bolts.

Riser block bolted down onto top of mill.
Ready for the milling head to be installed.

When I set the milling head down on the studs I thought the studs were
going to be too short.
The top of the studs were barely exposed. I had to reach inside the
mill through the access door
on the other side of the mill and push up on the mounting arm (piece
the studs are screwed into)
This exposed the studs and I was able to attach the nuts.