2-17-08 This lathe has been sold
The Conover wood lathe featured heavy cast iron construction, precisely
produced a lathe with 16" swing (up to 20"). The lathe featured a
user supplied 2" x 6" timbers for the bed.
I purchased the Conover Lathe components locally. It did not include
bed or stand so
I built my own. The bed is made from 2x6 pine with 1 1/2" angle iron
for bed ways
Legs are made from 2"x2" square steel.
The Conover Lathe was made in the USA until 2002 and is a true work of

The lathe is powered by a 1 1/2 HP variable speed Leeson DC motor and
Minarik motor controller.

2 x 10 bottom shelf

Tailstock with handwheel (Super Heavy Duty!)

Step pulleys

Top toggle switch is on / off
Bottom toggle switch is forward / reverse
The controller is wired for 220 vac.

Legs are 2" x 2" x 1/4" square tubing cut on my bandsaw

The legs will weld to the bottom of this support bracket.
This is made from 1 1/2" thick steel plate. The hole on top
is for the headstock hold down bolt.
Rather than trying to drill a 3/4" hole trough 6" of steel I cut out
the center section.
The hold down bolt for the headstock passed through this.

Legs welded on

Attaching legs to 1/2" steel plate

Bottom shelf bracket

Welding completed

Cutting 1 1/2" steel on my HF 7 x 12 bandsaw

End View

Top rails with 1 1/2" angle iron for bedways.
Steve Bedair
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This information is provided for personal use only.
Copyright 2000 - 2007
Steve Bedair